High-Speed Internet - cetin.cz
High-speed connection and coverage of white spots on the map of the Czech Republic is currently one of the priority topics of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The aim of the High-Speed Internet program from the Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness Operational Programme is to improve the quality of life and support economic development and employment in remote or sparsely populated rural areas. The subject of the provided grant is the deployment of a modern, high-quality and secure infrastructure enabling high-speed internet access (next generation access networks) to those locations where this access is not provided and is not likely to be provided by market mechanisms on a commercial basis.
We will expand optical network to sparsely populated areas thanks to aid from the EU
We responded to the call made by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to support high-speed internet and made a commitment to expand our optical network to 155 basic units of settlement in the so-called ‘white spots’. The costs of implementing more than 8,000 FTTH and FTTC connections will be partially covered by a grant from the European Structural Funds amounting to approximately 212 million, and an additional approximately 80 million will be invested by CETIN. As a result, households in these rural areas will receive a high-quality internet connection that is entirely comparable to what operators provide in large cities on a commercial basis.
All connections built in this manner meet the so-called higher NGA standard (Next Generation Access), i.e., speeds of at least 100/33 Mb/s.
We are building, operating and accelerating the largest data and communication network in the Czech Republic and plan, among other things, to connect 1,000,000 households via the FTTH optical network in the next seven years. The ministry’s program therefore complements our current activities and will allow us to build modern access networks even in places that are not profitable for commercial development.
The following projects receive financial aid from the European Union under the Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness Operational Programme - 2nd call: High-speed Internet.
II. High-speed internet call
Project | Registration No. |
CETIN_VRI for area 01 Benešov - Orlík – Tábor | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018704 |
CETIN_VRI for area 03 Brdy - Vltava | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018705 |
CETIN_VRI for area 06 Český ráj | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018706 |
CETIN_VRI for area 08 Děčínsko - České Švýcarsko | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018707 |
CETIN_VRI for area 16 Kolín - Kutná Hora | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018699 |
CETIN_VRI for area 18 Křivoklátsko | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018709 |
CETIN_VRI for area 19 Krkonoše | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018710 |
CETIN_VRI for area 23 Lužické hory - Máchův kraj | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018711 |
CETIN_VRI for area 24 Moravský kras - Brno | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018701 |
CETIN_VRI for area 25 Orlické hory | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018712 |
CETIN_VRI for area 28 Podzvičínsko | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018713 |
CETIN_VRI for area 29 Posázaví - Čáslav | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018714 |
CETIN_VRI for area 31 Rožďalovice - Kopidlno - Cidlina | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018715 |
CETIN_VRI for area 33 Střední Čechy – SZ | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018716 |
CETIN_VRI for area 34 Střední Morava | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018717 |
CETIN_VRI for area 35 Šumava - Písek | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018718 |
CETIN_VRI for area 36 Temelín - Soběslav | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018719 |
CETIN_VRI for area 37 Těšínsko | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018720 |
CETIN_VRI for area 38 Uhlířské Janovice - Sázava - Zásmuky | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018721 |
CETIN_VRI for area 39 Vysočina - JV | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018722 |
CETIN_VRI for area 42 Západní Čechy | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018723 |
CETIN_VRI for area 43 Žďárské vrchy | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/17_094/0018724 |
IV. High-speed internet call
Project | Registration no. |
NGA 2020 for area 08 Český Brod - Kolín - Kutná Hora - Čáslav | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023322 |
NGA 2020 for area 20 Litvínov - Teplice - Louny | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023330 |
NGA 2020 for area 21 Lysá nad Labem - Nymburk - Poděbrady | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023331 |
NGA 2020 for area 22 Mladá Boleslav | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023329 |
NGA 2020 for area 24 Neratovice - Brandýs nad Labem - Benátky nad Jizerou | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023332 |
NGA 2020 for area 25 Nový Bydžov - Hradec Králové | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023333 |
NGA 2020 for area 30 Příbram - Sedlčany - Milevsko | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023334 |
NGA 2020 for area 31 Rakovník - Kralovice - Beroun | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023325 |
NGA 2020 for area 33 Roudnice nad Labem - Mělník - Kralupy nad Vltavou | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023326 |
NGA 2020 for area 38 Uherský Brod - Luhačovice - Valašské Klobouky | CZ.01.4.03/0.0/0.0/19_260/0023327 |
Access to infrastructure in subsidized areas – Wholesale offer
Published on 29.3.2021
- Local physical survey of passive infrastructure in subsidized areas (22.12.22)
- Access to physical infrastructure in subsidized areas
- Lease of local loop
- Virtual Unbundled Local Access (VULA)
- Bitstream Access
- Collocation Access
List of Access Points is here.
List of address points passed by network built using subsidies is available here. The list may be updated.
In case of interest, please contact us on sales@cetin.cz.