V CETIN si můžu dovolit dělat audity mnohem agilněji než ve financích
Martina Červinková svůj profesní život zasvětila internímu auditu. Kontrolovala giganty jako GE Money Bank, Société...
We operate 20 million pairs of metallic cables and 60.000 km of optical cables, which we invest in every year and regularly increase their speed. CETIN's mobile technologies, which consist of 6.400 base stations for O2 and T-Mobile operators, also use the fixed network. We provide international voice and data services to more than 200 telecommunications operators worldwide through connection points in London, Vienna, Bratislava, Frankfurt, Budapest, Belgrade and Hong Kong.
As one of the region’s largest telecommunications infrastructure services providers, CETIN Group drives digital transformation in the countries where it operates by introducing cutting-edge technology and new business models to the local markets.
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Martina Červinková svůj profesní život zasvětila internímu auditu. Kontrolovala giganty jako GE Money Bank, Société...
Read MoreZuzana Pechová pracuje jako seniorní specialistka kyberbezpečnosti, konkrétně v týmu, který má na starost služby...
Read MoreOndřej Kusák pracuje ve společnosti CETIN čtvrtým rokem na pozici event & partnership marketing manager. Nese tak...
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