nZKB at the Government Legislative Council

On 4 April 2024, the first meeting of the Legislative Council of the Government was held on the draft amendment to the Cyber Security Act. 

The Legislative Council of the Government adjourned the meeting and asked the submitter (the National Office for Cyber and Information Security - NCSIS) to elaborate on some sub-points that the Legislative Council considered appropriate and on which it agreed with the submitter (Agenda of the 309th session of the LRC on 4 April 2024 and its results | Government of the Czech Republic (  

The interruption of the meeting of the Legislative Council of the Government is not an exceptional step. It happens quite commonly, usually when the Legislative Council of the Government has some comments on a proposal. 

We can take as an example the recent amendment to the Act on the Protection of Classified Information (ODok Portal - VeKLEP - Draft Act amending Act No. 412/2005 Coll., on the Protection of Classified Information and Security Clearance, as amended) or the draft Act on Foreign Investment Clearance (ODok Portal - VeKLEP - Draft Act on Foreign Investment Clearance), in which the Legislative Council of the Government adjourned even three times. 

We would like to point out that this is not about the need to rework the entire law, repeating the inter-ministerial comment procedure, postponing transposition indefinitely, etc. This information comes from unverified sources. If you come across it, we recommend you treat it with caution.