Our social responsibility - cetin.cz
We rely on quality
Our services must always be perfect. That is why we are constantly innovating and listening to the needs of our customers. To achieve our goals, we follow certain rules.

We listen carefully to the needs and expectations of our current and potential customers. We feel responsible for those expectations and we want to meet them. This is the only way we can deliver high-quality, tailor-made products.
Everyone at CETIN has an important position. Thanks to mutual cooperation and motivation, we can increase the quality of services and products provided. We work with an emphasis on meaningfulness, personal responsibility for each of us and a fair approach.
Functional and effective management and processes are the key to achieving goals and continuous improvement. By monitoring, evaluating and optimising them, we ensure a consistently high quality that our customers and partners can rely on, always and everywhere.
We are constantly looking for new opportunities for improvement and flexibly inject them into our services and products, thus increasing their value. We bring our customers technical innovations and complex technologies in a form that allows them to develop their business activities.
We actively adopt, apply and develop the concept of social responsibility and business ethics in order to increase the quality of life of individuals, local communities and society as a whole.
Quality products are created thanks to the broad knowledge of our experts. With time comes change and we are not left behind. We are constantly learning and our experts develop innovations that reflect the time and needs of customers.
We base our relationships with suppliers and other partners on transparency in negotiations, objectivity in business decisions and equal opportunities.
We care about the environment
We are aware of the importance of the environment. That is why we are committed to sustainable development. We have an established environmental management system and we strive to reduce the negative impacts of our activities on the environment.

We educate and motivate employees to be aware of the consequences and impacts of the company's activities on the environment and to be able to prevent them effectively.
When we innovate and design services and products, we always take into account the impact on the environment and our goal is to prevent tho
Nature and the environment are important to us. Not only that, but we also make sure that our network is completely under control. In case of failure, we are ready 24/7 to come and take care of it.
Information is safe with us
Information security is essential for us. Private data must be carefully protected, which is why we are constantly developing a system of protection and ensuring the operation of critical information infrastructure.

Our goal is to effectively protect the important data of business partners, employees, public and state administration and the general public in accordance with applicable legislation of the Czech Republic and the European Union, international agreements and other requirements for information security. To promote this goal, the company has implemented and developed an information security management system according to ISO / IEC 27001.
We protect important data to which suppliers have access. We meet safety requirements and document everything properly.
We support and motivate employees to ensure information security and cyber security, even beyond the requirements of applicable legislation.
Our communication with customers is transparent. We protect information about them, in accordance with the principle of neutrality and its resulting equality in approach to clients, which is the basis of our corporate philosophy.
Safe work and health of employees is essential
We are aware of the high value of the lives and health of all our employees, as well as other people affected by our activities. We undertake to promote and fulfil a responsible approach to health and safety at work in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 standard.

We monitor and consistently comply with the applicable provisions of relevant national legislation, European directives and the requirements of all parties involved. In areas that are not regulated in detail by legislation, we adopt our own standards in accordance with the principles of best practice.
We provide a system of training employees in the field of health and safety at work. By thoroughly preparing them, we minimise the occurrence of accidents and injuries.
We give all stakeholders access to information about the risks associated with work and our services. We support its exchange and open dialogue with customers, employees, suppliers, government agencies and stakeholders.
We regularly, or as required, consult with employee representatives on the state of ensuring a safe and non-hazardous environment and work.
We monitor potential risks and acquaint our employees and employees of our subcontractors with them. We focus on the riskiest activities, such as work at heights and around fall hazards, work on communication lines and the operation of company vehicles.
We are constantly working on our performance in occupational health and safety and improving our management system to best meet changing business conditions and legislative requirements. System audits of processes help us to do this.
We save energy
We know that saving energy is important. It leads both to a reduction in energy costs and the operation of the company's energy management, as well as to the elimination of negative effects on the environment.

We strive for energy savings through the Energy Action Plan. It is focused on optimising energy purchase prices and reducing consumption and costs. We do everything in accordance with the legal requirements arising from the legislative framework for energy and environmental protection.
We continuously monitor and evaluate energy consumption so that it can be used economically. We focus mainly on places with high consumption, such as establishments where the technologies used to implement products and services consume more than 30,000 kWh of electricity per year.
For a period of five years, we plan to:
Electrical energy
- Fixed network - increase of energy efficiency indicator by 60 %
- Mobile network - 80% increase in energy efficiency
- Data centres - maintain the value of energy efficiency indicators
Thermal energy
- reduce consumption by 15%
Natural gas
- reduce consumption by 15 %
Specific energy targets are defined in the manner set out in the Energy Action Plan and are set and evaluated once a year.
For the fixed and mobile networks, the indicator is the number of energy consumption services provided. For data centres, this is the inverse of the PUE ratio. EnPI indicators, i.e., energy efficiency, are evaluated every year in connection with the achievement of our energy goals and savings are determined on the basis of an algorithm, which is set out in the Energy Action Plan.
When designing and developing services and products, we take into account energy intensity and the impact of consumption on the environment. This also applies when deciding to purchase services, products and equipment. Reduction of emissions production due to reduction of energy consumption is determined in accordance with Act No. 406/2000 Coll., On energy management, as amended.
We systematically raise employees' awareness of the importance of reducing energy consumption and the issue of energy management through professional training and specialised seminars.
The company's management supports and motivates all employees to continuously improve and enhance the energy management system and to achieve savings in energy consumption.