We form a strong backbone of the Czech Internet

Secure and reliable telecommunications networks have become a precondition for a digital economy and knowledgeable society. We operate the largest electronic communications network in the Czech Republic and invest millions each year in network modernisation and security.


We are where others cannot reach

We operate and own the largest telecommunications network covering the entire territory of the Czech Republic. 99.6 % of the population has access to our network through fixed technologies (SDH, WDM, Ethernet and IP) and set of mobile technologies (GSM, UMTS, LTE and 5G), which are distributed by 6,000 base stations. We are an independent wholesale player without ties to a specific provider and our philosophy is the principle of open network access under fair and equal conditions for all operators.

We mainly provide:

  • Mobile network infrastructure services
  • Fixed net services for households and tradesmen
  • Data services for corporate networks and data center rental
We are where others cannot reach

Equal access — equal rules — equal treatment


The principle of neutrality

The principle of neutrality

Equal access for all

Equal access for all

Equal business rules

Equal business rules

Equal treatment

Equal treatment

prev next
The basis of our corporate philosophy is the principle of neutrality and the resulting equality in approach to our clients. The size of the customer does not matter - we guarantee small and large operators equal access to our services, equal business rules and, above all, equal treatment.
Network without borders

Network without borders

CETIN also offers international voice and data services to over 200 telecommunications operators all over the world via physical network nodes (POPs) in London, Vienna, Bratislava, Frankfurt, Budapest, Belgrade and Hong Kong.


  • International voice and data services
  • Network Nodes (POPs) in Europe and Asia
  • Comprehensive international voice and data services
  • More than 200 customers worldwide
More than 200 customers worldwide

More than 200 customers worldwide

Thanks to the professionals in the field, we are able to offer the most efficient, most reliable and most secure wholesale telecommunications services in the country. More than 3.000 employees thus ensure the efficient and fast deployment of networks and ensure their operation and availability throughout the Czech Republic.


  • Professionals in the telco sector
  • 3,000 specialists
  • Network operation and maintenance throughout the Czech Republic

Facts about CETIN:

We are a member of
We own and operate
the largest telecommunications network in the Czech Republic
We are
an independent supplier of mobile, data and voice services to operators
We are part of CETIN Group
in 4 countries
We take good care of our core network, we invest in it
billions CZK
In average, we have
about 3,000 employees
Our network includes
60,000 km of optical cables
We are in charge of
20,000,000 km of pairs of metallic cables

Our history: We are proud of our history and follow it up with constant development and innovation.

  • 1992
    Founding of SPT TELECOM

    State enterprise

  • 1994
    Founding of SPT TELECOM, a.s.

    Transfer from a state-owned enterprise

  • 2000
    Change of name to ČESKÝ TELECOM, a.s.

  • 2005
    Telefónica, S. A.

    becomes the majority owner

  • 2006
    Founding of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s.

    by merging with Eurotel Praha, spol. s.r.o.

  • 2011
    Change of name to Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s.

  • 2014

    becomes the majority owner

  • 2014
    Change of name to O2 Czech Republic, a.s.

  • 2015
    Česká telekomunikační infrastruktura a.s. (CETIN)

    separates from O2 Czech Republic, a.s.

  • 2020
    Establishment of new infrastructure companies

    in Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia by spin-offs from Telenor

  • 2021
    Internet on the Metro

  • 2024 and the future
    Cyber security, construction of 5G networks and expansion of fibre optics throughout the Czech Republic