Technical specifications of the interface We provide technical specifications of individual types of interfaces from our company for connecting devices. We disclose this information in accordance with Section 73(7) of Act No. 127/2005 Sb. (Collection of Laws), on Electronic Communications and on the Amendment of Certain Related Acts.

TE000003 - Technical specifications of the interface at the network termination points
TE000003 - Technical specifications of the interface at the network termination points - Appendix
TE000004 - Parameters of the U-R(V) interface - physical layer parameters
TE000005 - Parameters of the U-R(V) interface - parameters of higher layers
TE000006 - Customer xDSL splitter
TE000007 - Zuni Interface with U Signalling
TE000007 - Zuni Interface with U Signalling - Appendix
TE000008 - S-T Interface for ISDN Basic Access
TE000008 - S-T interface for ISDN basic access - Appendix
TE000009 - Uo Interface for ISDN Basic Access
TE000009 - Uo Interface for ISDN Basic Access - Appendix
TE000011 - Types and specifications of interfaces used in CETIN's electronic communications network